Airplane Accidents
Air travel is generally very safe; however, aviation accidents do lead to injuries and fatalities every year. Airplane accidents are not limited to plane crashes; they include incidents that injure people during flight, or even while a plane is on the ground, once the passengers have embarked, or when they are waiting to exit the plane.
When airplane accidents are caused by someone’s negligence (such as the negligence of a pilot, a member of the maintenance crew, or even an air traffic controller), or by a defective product, the people injured in the accidents may seek compensation for the harm they suffered—for their medical bills, their pain and suffering, wages lost as a result of the injuries, and more.
Accidents that do involve plane crashes almost always lead to fatalities or catastrophic injuries. In those tragic situations, surviving family members may bring wrongful death claims related to the death of their loved ones, and the victims of the catastrophic injuries may seek compensation for the impact that those injuries will have on the rest of their lives.
While the losses suffered are very real, concepts such as “pain and suffering” or “loss of companionship” may be difficult to convert into monetary amounts. Similarly, it can be difficult to estimate correctly the amount of wages and benefits that a person would have earned had he or she survived, or the value of services that a person can no longer provide to family members. The attorneys at Peter Thompson & Associates understand the difficulties of proof and work with the best experts in the field to determine and present the full nature and extent of our clients’ losses.
On average, people who are pursuing claims related to serious injury or wrongful death recover 3 ½ times more money if they have an attorney representing them than they do if they settle the case on their own. At Peter Thompson & Associates, we offer each client an experienced legal team dedicated to their success. If you were seriously injured in a Maine airplane accident, or if someone you love was killed in such an accident, please contact our firm as soon as possible.
Our initial consultation is free, and we don’t get paid unless we collect money for our client. Most importantly, we have an outstanding track record of success in personal injury cases, and our honesty and integrity have earned us the Better Business Bureau’s highest rating—an A+.
for a free consultation with an experienced and effective Maine personal injury attorney, please call 800.804.2004 or fill out and submit our online form.